The 1 Week Diet System Review: Possible In Just 1 Week?

1 Week Diet System for real? Can you really lose up to 12 pounds in 7 days? Read our shocking report in this The 1 Week Diet System Review!

The 1 Week Diet System is a 7-day regime that kick starts your weight loss in a way that provides significant and visible results in the first week. This is huge considering 95% of people fail when trying a new diet. Why? Because you bust your butt off eating healthy and working out but don’t see results. The 1 Week Diet System does the opposite so you can reap (and see) the rewards for your efforts. You don’t even have to eat an insanely restrict diet nor do you have to run on a treadmill for miles each day.  You just have to make simple adjustments to your diet, activity and mindset.
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Losing weight is no easy feat. Most diets don’t work and for the ones that do, they don’t provide results quick enough so you give up. The 1 Week Diet System is a 7-day program that takes you through a four-phase process to starting your weight loss journey. It teaches you the steps to losing weight through ways that provide significant and visible results. You can even lose up to 12 pounds of fat in the first week!
The program comes with four handbooks that cover different subject matters that will help you form healthy habits within your diet, activity levels and mindset. In these handbooks, you’ll find a vast array of healthy tips, instructions on eating properly (without restricting your diet or counting calories), daily activity recommendations, food preparation tips and so much more. I’ll dive into this in just a moment but first, here’s a look at what you receive when you get started:
  1. Launch Handbook
  2. Diet Handbook
  3. Activity Handbook
  4. Motivation Handbook
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The best part? You receive immediate access to the program so there’s no need to wait to start your newfound weight loss goals. Just think – in 7 days you can physically see the changes! To get started, you just download the content of the program onto the tech device of your choice, such as your desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet. I highly recommend downloading it onto a device you have with you regularly, such as your smartphone or tablet, as this ensures you have the program with you whenever and wherever you go. At the grocery store? Yup. Having a vulnerable moment after a day of work? You bet.
Now, if you’re still convinced that you need to have an intense workout and diet in order to see results, The 1 Week Diet System comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. This gives you ample time to try the program and see if it’s for you. Certainly, after seeing significant and visible rewards for your efforts, you won’t want to turn back.


Brian Flatt is the creator of The 1 Week Diet System. You may recognize his name because he is a world-renowned nutritionist with some of the most successful weight loss programs out there. He is highly sought after due to his unique approach to weight loss – doing things that provide quick and significant results.


Seven days is all you need to see significant and visible results. The 1 Week Diet System is a comprehensive guide that takes you through the first 7-days of your weight loss journey. The four-phase process focuses on everything from your mindset to your activity levels, healthy habits, diet and more. However, the program doesn’t just tell you what to do before sending you on your way; it takes the time the educate you on weight loss and what’s going on in your body. This is huge because it’ll help you continue on with the healthy habits you learn.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the topics covered in each of the handbooks that make up this program:


  • Rapid Weight Loss
  • Why 1 Week
  • The Truth about Weight Loss
  • How We Get Fat
  • How to Get Thin
  • Nutrients
  • Protein, Fat and Carbs
  • Fiber
  • Fruits and Vegetables – The Miracle Fiber
  • Water
  • Metabolism
  • A Simple Way Anyone Can Rapidly Accelerate Weight Loss
  • The Undisputable Rules of Fat Loss
  • How to Increase Catecholamines (and Lower Insulin)
  • Reducing Calories the Right Way
  • Reduced Carb Intake
  • Starvation ode
  • Exercise
  • Stubborn Body Fat
  • Fat Burning Supplements
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The table of contents for the “Launch Handbook”.


  • The Most Advanced Fat burning Method in Existence
  • Going Low Carb
  • Phase 1 (Days 1 – 2)
  • Phase 2 (Day 3-4)
  • Phase 3 (Day 5)
  • Research Proving the Effectiveness of a Fat Fast
  • Phase 4: Calorie Restriction Based on BMR (Learn how to do the calculation)
  • Preventing Weight Regain
  • The 3 Pound Rule
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The table of contents for the “Diet Handbook”.


  • 1 Week Workout
  • Daily Walk Requirements
  • Consistency
  • Warm Up
  • Resistance Training
  • Full Body Fat Blasting Workout
  • Movements (with pictures and detailed explanations)
  • Miracle Midsection Workout
  • Workout Out After the 1 Week
the 1 week diet review,1 week diet review,1 week diet,1 week diet plan,the 4 week diet review,diet,the 1 week diet,1 week diet results,the 1 week diet pdf,the 1 week diet scam
The table of contents for the “Activity Handbook”.


  • Mindset, Motivation and Willpower
  • Regroup
  • Put Your Goals on Paper
  • Keep a Journal
  • Motivation
  • Willpower
the 1 week diet review,1 week diet review,1 week diet,1 week diet plan,the 4 week diet review,diet,the 1 week diet,1 week diet results,the 1 week diet pdf,the 1 week diet scam
The table of contents for the “Motivation Handbook”.
As if that wasn’t enough to start you on your first week towards burning fat (it is), you even get some extra bonuses for absolutely free! They are:
  • Free bottle of fat-free coconut oil
  • Free bottle of Rub on Relief
  • Free fat-burning ice cream
  • The Fastest Weight Loss Week Action Plan
  • 100 Great-Tasting Green Smoothie Fat-Loss Recipes
  • The Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants Report
  • The 3 Minute Belly Shrinker Video Series
  • How to Reverse Arthritis Naturally Book
  • Calcium Lie 2 Book
That’s a whole lot of bang for your buck – and a comprehensive guide to shedding weight and seeing results quickly!
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The 1 Week Diet System is designed to produce significant and visible results in the first week. This is a huge benefit because it instantly decreases your chances of giving up. After all, when you receive rewards for your efforts, you are much more likely to keep going with your newfound weight loss. Not only that but being able to see results quickly also means that you start to look and feel amazing right away! There’s no need to wait or to spend hours upon hours at the gym and counting calories before seeing results.
Another great benefit comes from having the program in digital form. This allows you to take the program with you whenever and wherever you go. So, whether you’re cooking in the kitchen, dining at a friend’s, eating out at a restaurant, working on a healthy mindset in your bedroom, or taking a walk around the block or commuting home, you can have the information you need to succeed with you.  This is particularly helpful in those vulnerable situations where you’re much more likely to cheat. Not sure what to order? Not sure what to buy at the grocery store? Not sure what to cook? Pull up the program on your device.


The only disadvantage I could think of is that I wish the program was longer. 7-days is a great booster but after seeing significant and visible results within the first week, I wanted to keep going. The good news is that there is a program for week two, week three, week four and so on and so forth. This one in particular, hence the name, is for the first week to kick starting your weight loss. The other programs for the other weeks are designed to follow this one. In no way do you need to get the other programs as the information you learn in The 1 Week Diet System is more than enough, it is definitely a great feature.


Gone are the days of spending exhaustive (and sweaty) hours at the gym and restricting yourself of foods and flavors, only to have to wait to see results. The 1 Week Diet System is a healthy, natural and effective weight loss regime that is designed to kick start your weight loss journey with ways that produce sustainable results you can see. Not only that but the program sets you up for success moving forward without the program (or with one of the add-ons). So, you aren’t left hanging after the 7 days and you can continue to use what you’ve learned in the first week into the second, third, fourth week and so on.
Plus, you get two months to try it out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. That means you can do the one week system 6 to 8 times before deciding if it’s for you. You have nothing to lose… Well, other than the idea that you can’t reap the benefits of your weight loss efforts in the first week.

Download The 1 Week Diet System PDF